
Difference between fear and anxiety

•  Fear is a normal emotion. Everybody worries and feels tense or scared when under pressure or facing a stressful situation. Fear is the body’s natural response to danger, an automatic alarm that goes off when we feel threatened.

•  Not everyone who worries a lot suffers anxiety but the worries make life very unpleasant and he should build a copying mechanism.

•  Although it may be unpleasant, fear is positive. Fear helps to stay alert and focused; it spurs to action and motivates to solve problems. 

•  The difference between fear and anxiety is that anxiety is imaginable and fear is reaction to real threat.

•  Anxiety is maladaptive, constant and overwhelming fear that interferes with life, daily functioning, relationships and pleasure. Anxiety is persistent fear, disarming and paralysing.

•  Anxiety doesn’t have to be life-time conditions. Symptoms of anxiety can get under control and people can recover from anxiety.

Anxiety is complex.

•  Many people with anxiety also suffer from depression.

•  Anxiety and depression stem from the same vulnerability. Since depression makes anxiety worse (and vice versa), it’s important to treat both conditions. 

•  Anxiety like depression is a conflict between an individual and the word.

•  Medication helps to alternate chemicals  in brain and control symptoms but ii doesn't cure anxiety.

•  Changes in thinking and behaviours are necessary to recover from anxiety.

•  Damage have to be “repair” and solutions have to be done within an individual to overcome  anxiety.

•  Anxiety is related to the absence of mechanism to cope with life challenges.

Fear and anxiety have causes.

•  Unhealthy and stressful lifestyle causes that the fearful feelings develop in pathological conditions - an overly demanding schedule, lack of exercise, relaxation or sleep, high pressure at home or work, lack of emotional comfort.

•  Certain drugs and supplements have side effects causing tension (including over-the-counter medications, some remedies, recreational drugs and alcohol) and over time it worsens.

•  Anxiety is not just a result of a chemical imbalance in organism. Fear and insecurity gradually grow in anxiety. 

•  Anxiety disorders are a group of related conditions rather than a single disorder. They can start and look very different from person to person. 

•  Despite their different forms, all anxiety disorders share one major symptom: persistent and severe worry in situations where emotionally healthy people wouldn’t feel threatened.

When fear is not fear.

Psychological symptoms:

•  feelings of apprehension or dread

•  feeling tense and jumpy

•  irritability

•  watching for signs of danger

•  trouble concentrating

•  anticipating the worst

•  restlessness

•  feeling like mind’s gone blank

Physical symptoms:

•  pounding heart

•  stomach upset or dizziness

•  shortness of breath

•  muscle tension

•  fatigue

•  changed appetite

•  sweating

•  frequent urination or diarrhoea

•  tremors and twitches

•  headaches

•  changes in sleep patterns

Anxiety disorders:

•  Generalized anxiety disorder

•  Post-traumatic stress disorder

•  Panic disorder

•  Social anxiety disorder

•  Specific anxiety disorders (phobias)

•  Obsessive compulsive disorder
